Nanaimo-Info-blog: City Parking Enforcement Moving In-House

City Parking Enforcement Moving In-House

Contracting Out Coin Collection!
In one of those decisions that leave you scratching your head city staff has asked city council to approve issuing a request for proposals for an outside contractor to collect the coins from the parking meters, which city staff apparently are moving in-house.

I’ve said it before “you can’t make this crap up”. City staff on the recommendation of city council, which made a decision based on city staff’s advice opted to move city parking in-house rather than contracting it out as it presently is being done.

This decision was made last May as the result of a report from MMK Consulting which indicated the shift to moving parking in-house could result in a break even financial position over time. There does not seem to be any business plan presented that would indicate if this break even point is actually even possible. That kind of nonsense is only reserved for the private sector without limitless resources.

As I now understand it, city staff decided to move parking in-house which has resulted in the creation of another 5 person department. However, they are still going to be contracting out the collection of coin from the parking meters.

No sir, you just can’t make this stuff up!

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